Chair BISTRO gray 52x58xH73cm, steel frame, plastic braid
Laos otsas
SKU: 20563-MBL761
Chair BISTRO gray. By placing garden chairs on the balcony, terrace or garden, you can create a cozy seating area where you can enjoy the beautiful weather during the day or spend cozy evenings. By combining the products you like, you can create a set that suits you. The steel frame of the chair is covered by a gray plastic braid. The braid color code is LR-WF-1333. The chair is stackable, which makes it easier to store. The product is durable in changing weather conditions. The weight limit of the chair is 100 kg and the dimensions are 52x58xH73cm. Tool BISTRO hall. Tooli jalad ja raam on valmistatud terasest ja viimistletud halli pulbervärviga. Tooli iste ja seljatugi on kaetud pruunikashalli plastikpunutisega. Tooli üldmõõdud on 52x58xH73cm. Kaalupiirang 100kg. Toolid on virnastatavad ning nende hoiustamine on lihtne ja ruumi säästev. Toode on muutlikes ilmastikutingimustes vastupidav ja lihtsalt hooldatav. HOIUSTAMINE: suvehooaja lõppedes soovitame aiamööblit hoiustada siseruumides. Puhastage ja kuivatage mööbel enne hoiule panekut. Kasutage hoiustamiseks kuiva ning hea ventilatsiooniga ruumi.