Tefal Supergrill, 2000 W, stainless steel - Table grill
SuperGrill timer is a multipurpose grill with a 4-position thermostat. With its digital timer, select the grilling time according to your preferences and habits. No need to hesitate in sharing convivial moments with family and friends around a good grilled meal! Prepare all types of ingredients, for any occasion: grill in the kitchen or BBQ on the table. Thanks to the searing mode, mark your meat and keep it juicy so you can enjoy every single bite.
SuperGrill on mitmeotstarbeline grill, millel on reguleeritav 4-astmeline termostaat ja digitaalne taimer. Mittenakkuva pinnaga plaadid hoiavad ära toiduosakeste kinnikleepumise. Liigne rasv voolab rasvanõusse. Plaadid ja rasvakogumispann on lihtsasti eemaldatavad ja nõudepesumasinas pestavad. Tänu pruunistamisrežiimile saad nautida restorani tasemel grillroogasid.