Task chair TANDY black
Laos otsas
SKU: 14541-MBL761
Task chair TANDY black. The chair's padded seat, headrest, and armrests are covered with black polyester fabric. The backrest is covered with layered black polyester mesh fabric, the lumbar support is fixed. The chair has a lockable swing mechanism and pneumatic seat height control. The armrests can be flipped up. The height and angle of the headrest are adjustable. The 5-pronged footrest is made of black plastic, R33cm. The chair has plastic castors 50mm. The overall dimensions of the chair are 62,5x64xH116-126cm. Seat width 53cm, seat depth 52cm, seat height 45-55cm. Weight limit 120kg. Töötool TANDY must. Tooli polsterdatud iste ja peatugi on kaetud musta polüesterkangaga. Seljatugi on kaetud kihilise musta polüestervõrkkangaga, nimmetugi on fikseeritud. Toolil on lukustatav kiikemehhanism. Istme kõrgus on reguleeritav gaasamordi abil. Kergelt polsterdatud kangaga kaetud käetoed on üles lükatavad. Peatoe kõrgus ja kaldenurk on reguleeritavad. 5-haruline jalarist on mustast plastikust, R33cm. Toolil on plastikrattad 50mm. Tooli üldmõõdud on 62,5x64xH116-126cm. Istme laius 53cm, istme sügavus 52cm, istme kõrgus 45-55cm. Kaalupiirang 120kg.